Languages and Rates

Target LanguageRate per line
Rate per hour
Minimum fee
Max. Express
Min. Handling
per hour
Week End
Czech 3.26 110.54 100.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Danish 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Dutch 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
English GB 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
English US 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Estonian 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Finnish 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
French 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 12:00 2 500 -
German CH 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 12:00 2 000 -
German GFR 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 12:00 2 000 -
Greek 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Hungarian 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Italian 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 12:00 2 500 -
Maltese 3.26 110.54 100.00 60% 54:30 2 000 -
Polish 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 54:30 2 000 -
Portuguese 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Portuguese Brazil 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Slovak 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Slovenian 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -
Spanish 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 12:00 2 000 -
Swedish 3.26 110.54 50.00 60% 24:00 2 000 -

A line consists of approximately 60 keystrokes or 50 characters. Blank spaces are not counted.

Quotes for all other languages are provided upon request.

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