Irina Zimmermann

sworn in
by the Regional Court Nuremberg-Fürth
for Ukrainian, Russian, English,
teacher of English/German and military interpreter
(Linguistic University Moscow/ Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages)
examined translator/interpreter in engineering,
economics and humanities (Russian/Ukrainian)
examined legal translator (English)
conference interpreter

member of the German Association of Translators and Interpreters (BDÜ);
senior member of the German Association of Conference Interpreters (VKD)

Mother tongues: Russian and Ukrainian
Working languages: German and English

Additional knowledge and skills:
Basic knowledge of Latin
Basic knowledge of Old Greek
Unlimited sport pilot licence (paraglider)
Safety Pilot for a single-engined aircraft



Irina Zimmermann, nee Krivenko,
born on 13/12/1968
in Cherkassy/Ukraine

1976 – 1986

Secondary general school No. 21 in Cherkassy/Ukraine
awarded a silver medal

1986 – 1991

Moscow State Linguistic University (former Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages)
Graduated as a teacher of English (1st foreign language) and German (2nd foreign language) and military translator/interpreter

1990 – 1991

Translator with the Soviet-American JV "Dialogue"/Moscow


Moved to Germany

1995 – 1996

Guest student with the Academy of Foreign language professions at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, Russian
State examination for translators and interpreters (Russian-German-Russian), majoring in: engineering
State examination for translators (Russian-German-Russian), majoring in: economics

1998 – 1999

Guest student with the Academy of Foreign language professions at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, English
majoring in: legal, economics, engineering
(given up for private reasons)


State examination for translators and interpreters (Ukrainian-German-Ukrainian) in Leipzig, majoring in: economics and humanities


State examination for translators (English-German-English) at the Academy of Foreign language professions at the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, majoring in: legal



Since 1990

freelance translator/interpreter of Russian, Ukrainian, English and German