Skype: ResIpsaLtd





A consummate, adaptable and enthusiastic legal  professional, with extensive experience, skills and a wealth of knowledge across international markets; confident and versatile, with far-reaching and varied expertise across a range of client/employer sectors, and in-depth understanding detailed business principles and practices.

John has a proven record of accomplishment, is fluent in four languages and has worked on four continents. He also is a member of Mensa and has an IQ of 163.




     Occupation-based Highly focused, diligent, a creative thinker and solutions expert

     Strategic Thinking Plays a pivotal role managing projects from inception to implementation, delivery and review

     Results Orientated Instils a sense of urgency and a desire to deliver key objectives: proactive

     Project Management implements good leadership standards and core principles to achieve goals

     Technical Advanced technical knowledge across key legal disciplines, including specialist expertise

     Aptitude – Throughout his education and career to date, has consistently excelled as a high achiever




St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford

MA: 2.1 – Allan Bullock Award

BPP University College, London

LLB (Hons): 2.1 – highest recorded mark in any BPP Company Law written assessment

LPC: Commendation – electives in Insurance Law, Advanced Litigation, Commercial and IP law





·                Translation and proofreading of documents and transcripts from/to Portuguese, German and French: annual reports, contracts and sub-contracts, public tenders, employment contracts, insurance contracts, Charter Parties, etc.;

·                Interpreter for NHS clients; translation clients include: Coca-Cola, Shell, Petrobras, Brazilian Air Force, FenderCare, Lincas, Odebrecht, New York attorneys, Congo mining company, Moroccan telecom, etc.

Currently: examples translated:

·    Charter Party contracts for Service Vessels between UK supplier, the Angolan subsidiary and clients [shipping, Portuguese]

·    Pre-trial Directions Submissions for a semiconductor company, concerning international jurisdiction [employment, French]

·    A Swiss Share Transfer Agreement [corporate, French]

·    The decision of an Austrian appellate court [EU/ECJ Directives, German]

·    Disclosure documentation for international litigation [German]

·    Overnight Family Court translation - a French divorce translation for Israeli client

·    Witness statement civil litigation translation; German to English

·    Media: WWII documentary translation: French/English

·    Emergency amended contract translation, German to English

·    IP: international Lexis Nexis translation:

·    Shipping Contract Translation from Italian into English.

·    Moroccan Service Level Agreement, IT translation.

·    Austin, Texas, urgent contract translation from French into US English.

·    Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv, urgent translation from French to English, family court.

·    Senegalese Civil and Criminal appellate court decisions, French

·    Democratic Republic of the Congo mining Joint Venture Agreement, French

·    Scientific academic research publication, German

·    Brazilian Airport construction public tender, Portuguese

·    German marketing publication

·    French engineering tender

·    Austrian Real Estate contract

·    German research thesis translation

·    Guinea Word Bank Risk Assessment, French

·    German tax transparency Due Diligence criteria

·    Swiss local government work experience documentation

·    Angolan subsidiary contract, Portuguese

·    Belgian telecommunications tender, French

·    French insurance employee documentation

·    Medical product marketing brochure, German

·    Brazilian pay slips, birth certificates, etc.

·    French asset management marketing materials

·    Hungarian customs communications, German

·    Corporate anti-bribery policies, Portuguese

·    Belgian industrial tribunal proceedings, French

·    Television commercial terms and conditions, Portuguese

·    Law firm legal correspondence, declarations, etc., French

·    Private equity press release, French

·    French cosmetics employee relations communication, French

·    Wood packaging treatment protocol, German

·    Polish/Swedish air heater license agreement, German

·    Swiss mobile Service Level Agreement, German

·    Belgian editorial, French

·    Corporate, industrial tribunal, French

·    Angolan shipping documentation, Portuguese

·    Corporate compliance and audit documentation, Portuguese

·    Logistics tender/contracts, Portuguese

·    Portuguese automotive marketing communications

·    Brazilian aviation/aerospace tenders, technical specifications





Professional: PRINCE2, Six Sigma, MCIPS

Languages: English, Portuguese, German and French

IT: HTML, Microsoft Office, Sabre, Galileo, Lawtel, PLC and LexisNexis


Sample translations

French to English: Pre-Trial Directions: Litigation
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law (general)

Source text - French
Dans ce même courrier en date du XXX adressé par la société XXX à Monsieur XXX, il était expliqué à ce dernier que, comme indiqué lors d’une réunion avec Monsieur XXX, le XXX novembre XXX, la baisse du nombre de salariés reportant directement à Monsieur XXX s’expliquait par les différences d’organisation entre XXX et XXX.

La société XXX concluait en indiquant dans ce courrier du X novembre XXX que le contrat de travail de Monsieur XXX n’avait pas été modifié, ses fonctions et son niveau hiérarchique étant demeurés inchangés.

La société XXX indiquait que ces fonctions constituaient au contraire une réelle opportunité pour Monsieur XXX, dans la mesure où l’activité XXX était au cœur du business plan d’XXX et représentait une part importante des objectifs que s’était fixé le Groupe XXX en termes de revenus consolidés et de bénéfices.

Malgré les diverses réunions organisées à l’initiative du Groupe XXX afin de tenter de rassurer Monsieur XXX, et malgré le courrier de la société XXX en date du XXX novembre XXX, Monsieur XXX prenait acte de la rupture de son contrat de travail par courrier recommandé avec accusé de réception en date du 17 novembre XXX.

Monsieur XXX estimait dans ce courrier que son poste de « XXX» avait été « vidé » d’une part importante de sa substance, sans son accord et sans réelle concertation. Monsieur XXX indiquait que la rupture de son contrat de travail prenait effet immédiatement, et demandait à ce que les documents de fin de contrat soient établis dans les meilleurs délais.

La société XXX répondait à Monsieur XXX par un premier courrier en date du XXX novembre XXX, par lequel elle prenait acte de la volonté de Monsieur XXX de mettre fin à son contrat de travail.

Translation - English
In the same letter dated November XXX sent by XXX to Monsieur XXX, it was explained to him that, as indicated at a meeting with Monsieur XXX, on November XXX, the decrease in the number of employees reporting directly to Monsieur XXX was to be explained by the organizational differences between XXX and XXX

XXX concluded by stating in this letter of November XXX that Monsieur XXX employment contract of had not been modified, that his functions and management level remained unchanged.

XXX stated that these functions were instead a real opportunity for Monsieur XXX, insofar as the XXX operation was at the heart of the XXX business plan and represented an important part of the objectives that the XXX Group had set in terms of consolidated revenues and profits.

Despite the various meetings organized at the initiative of the XXX Group in an attempt to reassure Monsieur XXX, and despite the letter of XXX, dated November XXX, Monsieur XXX gaveve notice of termination of his employment contract by registered mail with return receipt dated November XXX.

Monsieur XXX stated in this letter that his position as XXX had been made "void" of an important part of its substance, without his consent and without real consultation. Monsieur XXX indicated that the termination of his employment contract took effect immediately, and asked that contract termination documents be drawn up as soon as possible.

XXX replied to Monsieur XXX by an initial letter dated November XXX, whereby it took note of Monsieur XXX desire to terminate his employment contract.

English to Portuguese: Charterparty Subcontract
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)

Source text - English

3.1 The SUBCONTRACT shall run from the EFFECTIVE DATE until the end of the CONTRACT PERIOD effective under the Head Contract.

3.2 The SUBCONTRACT shall comprise the following sections:-

Section 1 Terms of Contract
Section 2 Scope of Work
Section 3 Contract Payments
Section 4 Contract Administration Procedures

In the event of ambiguity or contradiction between Sections of this SUBCONTRACT, the CONTRACTORS direction shall be final and binding.


4.1 SUBCONTRACTOR has been selected for the performance of the WORK on the basis that it is an expert and professional in the type of work involved and with consideration of CONTRACTOR'S obligations under the Head Contract. SUBCONTRACTOR undertakes to perform the WORK in accordance with the requirements, standards and specifications contained in the Head Contract and the full direction of its Affiliate, the CONTRACTOR.

4.2 SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide all management, engineering, design, supervision, PERSONNEL, PLANT, VESSELS, consumables, facilities and all other things, whether of a temporary or permanent nature, necessary for the proper performance of the WORK in accordance with the terms hereof and of the Head Contract unless specifically directed otherwise by the CONTRACTO.

Translation - Portuguese

3.1 O SUBCONTRATO deverá ter vigência a partir da DATA EFETIVA até o final do PERÍODO DE CONTRATO efetivo nos termos do Contrato-Mãe.
3.2 O SUBCONTRATO deverá incluir as seguintes seções: -

Secão 1 Termos do Contrato
Secão 2 Escopo do Serviço
Secão 3 Pagamentos Contratuais
Secão 4 Procedimentos Administrativos Contratuais

Em caso de ambiguidade ou contradição entre as Seções deste SUBCONTRATO, a decisão do CONTRATANTE será final e vinculativa.


4.1 O SUBCONTRATANTE foi selecionado para a realização dos SERVIÇOS sob a premissa de ser um especialista e profissional no tipo de serviço envolvido, e levando-se em consideração as obrigações do CONTRATANTE nos termos do Contrato-Mãe. O SUBCONTRATANTE compromete-se a executar os trabalhos de acordo com os requisitos, normas e especificações contidas no Contrato-Mãe e com os direcionamentos de sua Afiliada, o CONTRATANTE.

4.2 O SUBCONTRATANTE deverá fornecer toda a gestão, engenharia, design, supervisão, PESSOAL, EQUIPAMENTO, EMBARCAÇÕES, insumos, instalações e todas as outras coisas, seja de natureza temporária ou permanente, necessárias ao bom desempenho dos SERVIÇOS, em conformidade com os termos do presente instrumento e do Contrato-Mãe, a menos que seja especificamente instruída de outra forma pelo CONTRATANTE.



Portuguese to English: Seismic Testing Service Contract
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)

Source text - Portuguese
4.1. O regime de execução deste contrato será de EMPREITADA POR PREÇO UNITÁRIO.
5.1. O presente CONTRATO vigorará a partir da data de sua assinatura até a emissão e assinatura de Termo de Encerramento Contratual, na forma do disposto neste CONTRATO.
6.1. O prazo estimado para execução total dos serviços objeto do presente Contrato é de 15 (quinze)
dias, contados a partir da data da entrada das equipes e equipamentos na obra. O prazo estimado de mobilização está sendo considerado de 60 dias após a autorização para mobilização.
7.1. Pela execução dos SERVIÇOS, de acordo com os termos e condições ora ajustados, a CONTRATADA fará jus ao preço total estimado de R$ XXX (XXX reais), conforme detalhado abaixo:

Translation - English
4.1. The mode of implementation of this contract shall be by FIXED UNIT PRICE.
5.1. This CONTRACT is effective from the date of signature until the issuance and signing of the Contractual Declaration of Closure, in the manner provided in this CONTRACT.
6.1. The estimated deadline for the complete implementation of services under this CONTRACT is 15 (fifteen) days from the date of arrival of teams and equipment on site. The deployment deadline is considered to be 60 days after authorization for deployment.
7.1. For the provision of the SERVICES, in accordance with the terms and conditions set herein, the PARTY CONTRACTED shall be entitled to the estimated total price of R$ XXX (XXX Reais) as detailed below:

General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)

Source text - French

12.1 Le Contrat est soumis au droit suisse.

12.2 Tous litiges, différends ou prétentions nés du Contrat ou se rapportant à celui-ci, y compris la validité, la nullité, d'éventuelles violations ou la résiliation du Contrat, seront tranchés par voie d'arbitrage conformément au Règlement suisse d'arbitrage international des Chambres de Commerce suisses en vigueur à la date à laquelle la notification d'arbitrage est déposée conformément à ce Règlement. Le nombre d'arbitres est fixé à un; le siège de l'arbitrage sera à Genève; l'arbitrage se déroulera en français ou en anglais.

Translation - English

11.1 The Agreement is subject to Swiss law.

11.2 Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of the Agreement or relating thereto, including the validity, invalidity, breach or termination of this Agreement, shall be settled by arbitration under the Swiss International Arbitration Regulations of the Swiss Chambers of Commerce in force on the date of notice of arbitration filed under this Regulation. The number of arbitrators shall be one; the seat of arbitration shall be Geneva, the arbitration shall be conducted in French or English. The number of arbitrators shall be one, the seat of arbitration shall be Geneva and the arbitration shall be conducted in French or English.

General field: Bus/Financial
Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)

Source text - German
XXX begibt als Managementgesellschaft der internationalen Industriegruppe eine 5-jährige Unternehmensanleihe.
Das Anleiheangebot richtet sich an private und institutionelle Anleger in Österreich, Deutschland, Luxemburg und der Schweiz. Die Zeichnungsfrist läuft vom XX. bis XX. XXXXXX, wobei eine vorzeitige Schließung vorbehalten bleibt. Das finale Volumen, der Zinssatz und der Ausgabekurs werden unmittelbar vor der Zeichnungsfrist festgelegt und bekanntgegeben.

Der Nettoemissionserlös der Anleihe soll insbesondere für die Optimierung des Finanzportfolios und die Stärkung der Finanzkraft, die Refinanzierung bestehender Finanzverbindlichkeiten und die Finanzierung neuer Projekte (Ausbau und Erweiterung der bestehenden Geschäftstätigkeit) verwendet werden. Joint Lead Manager der Emission sind XXX und XXX Bank XXX. Die internationale Industriegruppe XXX fungiert als Garantin der Anleihe.

Translation - English
XXX, the managing company of the XXX international industrial group, launches a 5-year corporate bond.

The bond offering is aimed at private and institutional investors in Austria, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland.The subscription period runs from XX to XX XX, subject to early closure.The final volumes, interest rate and issue price will be determined and announced immediately before the subscription period.

The net proceeds of the bonds are to be used in particular for the for the optimization of financial portfolios, strengthening financial resources, the refinancing of existing debt and the financing of new projects (development and expansion of existing business), Joint lead managers of the issue are XXX and XXX Bank. The XXX group acts as guarantor of the loan.

French to English: Family Court Divorce decision
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law (general)

Source text - French
Sur la provision à valoir sur la liquidation de la communauté
Compte tenu de l’attitude de Monsieur XXX, qui semble avoir écarté son épouse, de ses droits dans la Société XXX, et des importantes liquidités dont il peut disposer, il y a lieu de faire droit à la demande de l’épouse du versement d’une somme de XXX € par application de l’article 255-7° du code civil.
Sur la provision ad litem
Il sera fait droit à la demande de l’épouse de XXX € à ce titre.
Sur les mesures relatives aux enfants majeurs
Concernant les enfants majeurs XXX qui ne sont pas à la charge de la mère, il convient de donner acte à Monsieur XXX de son engagement de pourvoir directement à l’entretien et l’éducation des enfants.
Concernant l’enfant majeur XXX, 18 ans, qui vit au domicile de la mère, il y a lieu de fixer à la somme de XXX € par mois la contribution paternelle à l’entretien et à l’éducation de l’enfant, qui sera versée

Translation - English
On provisions on account of the liquidation of communal property
Having taken account of the attitude of Monsieur XXXX, who appears to have discarded his wife, and of his rights in XXX and of the substantial cash at his disposal, it is necessary to grant the request of the wife of payment a sum of € XXX by application of article 255-7 ° of the Civil Code.
On the provision of an ad litem
The petition of the wife in this capacity for € XXX will be granted as such.
On measures relating to adult children
Concerning the adult children XXX who are not the responsibility of the mother, Monsieur XXXs should act on his commitment to provide directly for the maintenance and education of children.
On the adult child XXX, 18, who lives in the mother's home, the paternal contribution shall be fixed at the sum of € XXX per month for the maintenance and education of the child, who will be paid in part (XXX €) directly to XXX, and the other part (XXX €) to Madame XXX

French to English: Promotional Material for a Documentary
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Marketing / Market Research

Source text - French
Tout semble avoir été dit et écrit sur la seconde guerre mondiale. Les témoins directs de l’époque ont peu à peu livré leurs témoignages, leurs sentiments et leurs secrets. Des centaines de chercheurs y ont consacré leurs travaux, parfois leur vie. Des milliers d’ouvrages, d’articles et d’essais ont détaillé chaque instant du conflit. Les archives écrites, photographiques ou filmées ont complété les zones d’ombre en suspens. Les documents déclassifiés ont enfin révélé quelques étrangetés ou éclairé les ultimes mystères.

Translation - English
Everything seems to have been said and written about the Second World War. The direct witnesses of that time have gradually yielded their testimonies, their feelings and their secrets. Hundreds of researchers have devoted their work, sometimes their lives. Thousands of books, articles and essays have detailed every moment of the conflict. The written, photographic or filmed archives have filled the shadowy areas with suspense. The declassified documents have finally revealed some peculiarities, or clarified the ultimate mysteries.

French to English: Hotel/Tourism Marketing
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Marketing / Market Research

Source text - French
Romantisme : senteurs et penseurs de Senlis à Ermenonville
Les pétales de fleurs volent au vent à l'Abbaye de Chaalis, lors d'un séjour en hôtel Logis de France 2 étoiles à Senlis.
Le massif des Trois Forêts est un véritable poumon vert aux portes de Paris. Profitez d'un séjour mariant les beautés de la nature et de l'histoire, à Senlis. A vous le romantisme des lieux de Chaalis, les balades dans les venelles fleuries de Senlis si chère au coeur des cinéastes ou les randonnées entre chênes et bruyères en forêt d'Ermenonville... Marchez, respirez, sentez...Vivez!
Les "conseils Esprit de Picardie"
Etangs, cascades, chemins sinueux et théâtre de verdure : le parc Jean Jacques Rousseau à Ermenonville est une ode à la nature et au romantisme. Flânez, musardez, pensez dans les pas du Philosophe des Lumières, au fil de ce jardin remarquable.

Translation - English
Romance: fragrances and philosophers from Senlis to Ermenonville
Flower petals flutter in the wind at the Abbey of Chaalis, during a stay at the 2 star Logis de France hotel in Senlis.
The expanse of Three Forests is a breath of fresh air on the doorstep of Paris. Enjoy a stay in Senlis which combines the beauties of nature and history. Yours is the romance of Chaalis, with strolls in the floral abundance of Senlis so beloved of filmmakers, or excursions between oak trees and heathland in the forest of Ermenonville ... Walk, breathe, feel - live!
Recommendations on the "Spirit of Picardy"
Ponds, waterfalls, winding paths and outdoor theatre: Jean Jacques Rousseau Park in Ermenonville is an ode to nature and romance. Stroll, linger, and muse your way throughout this remarkable garden in the footsteps of the Enlightenment philosopher.

German to English: Academic research
General field: Social Sciences
Detailed field: Agriculture

Source text - German
Der Chinesische Salbei (ist eine in der TCM verwendete Arzneipflanze, deren getrocknete Wurzeln in der Therapie von kardiovaskulären und zerebrovaskulären Erkrankungen sowie bei Hyperlipidämie eingesetzt werden (23). Für die pharmakologische Wirkung werden die Tanshinone und Phenolcarbonsäuren verantwortlich gemacht (1, 19), denen u. a. eine antioxidative Wirksamkeit zugesprochen wird (18, 21, 22). Das Chinesische Arzneibuch fordert Mindestgehalte von 0,2% Tanshinon IIA und mindestens 3% Salvianolsäure B in der Wurzeltrockenmasse (16). Die Gehalte der im Rindengewebe der Wurzeln vorkommenden Tanshinone und der im Phloem und Xylem lokalisierten Phenolcarbonsäuren (6) können durch die Wachstumsbedingungen der Pflanze beeinflusst werden. Untersuchungen zur antioxidativen Kapazität von Wurzelextrakten des Chinesischen Salbeis, der in Deutschland kultiviert wurde, liegen bislang noch nicht vor. Das Ziel der durchgeführten Untersuchungen bestand deshalb darin, die antioxidative Kapazität von Wurzelextrakten des Chinesischen Salbeis zu bestimmen und zu klären, durch welche chemischen Verbindungen diese Kapazität beeinflusst wird.

Translation - English
The Chinese Sage is a medicinal plant used in TCM, whose dried roots are used in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders and hyperlipidemia (23). Tanshinones and phenolic acid are responsible for the pharmacological effect (1, 19), which is attributed, inter alia, to antioxidant activity (18, 21, 22). The Chinese pharmacopoeia requires minimum levels of 0.2% tanshinone IIA and at least 3% salvianolic acid B in the dry root mass (16). The contents of tanshinones in the bark tissue of the roots and phenol carboxylic acids in the phloem and xylem can be affected by plant growth conditions (6). Studies on the antioxidant capacity of root extracts of the Chinese sage cultivated in Germany are, to date, not yet available. The aim of the research undertaken was therefore to determine the antioxidant capability of Chinese sage root extracts, and to clarify what chemical compounds affect this capability.

Portuguese to English: Airport Construction Tender
General field: Tech/Engineering
Detailed field: Aerospace / Aviation / Space

Source text - Portuguese
O presente Memorial Descritivo destina-se a apresentar as Especificações Técnicas Especificas, na fase de Projeto Básico, para a construção do Terminal de Passageiros / CUT, Terminal de Cargas, Seção Contra Incêndio, Torre de Controle, Controle de Acesso de Pátio, Praça de Pedágio e Edifícios complementares e demais obras complementares, do AEROPORTO....
Pretende-se com este descrever as soluções propostas, que melhor resposta dão ao programa de necessidades, sob os aspectos legal, técnico, econômico e ambiental do empreendimento.
1.1.1 Localização
O Aeroporto é um Complexo Aeroportuário privado construído de raiz, tendo por base substituir o atual Aeroporto, pelo que se pretende que este funcione como plataforma dos voos internos, do Estado em que se insere e eventuais estados adjacentes para os principais Aeroportos do Brasil, assim como voos internacionais, seja para Países da América Latina; América do Norte e Europa, nomeadamente em núcleos de mercado de Países Latino Americanos.
Esta infraestrutura poderá funcionar como plataforma de interligação com a América do Sul, sendo no panorama local e internacional, um aeroporto estratégico em termos comerciais, turísticos e econômicos, para o Brasil, nomeadamente Norte e Nordeste.

Translation - English
This Descriptive Memorandum is intended to present the specific Technical Specifications, at the Basic Design phase, for the construction of the Passenger/CUT Terminal, Cargo Terminal, Fire Fighting Section, Control Tower, Patio Access Control, Toll Plaza and other additional buildings and additional works, for the airport...
This is intended to describe proposed solutions, which give the best response to the requirements of the program, under the legal, technical, economic and environmental aspects of the enterprise.

1.1.1 Location

The airport is a private airport complex built from scratch, its basis being that of replacing the current Airport, whereby it is intended that this functions as a platform for domestic flights for the State in which it operates, and possibly adjacent states, to the main airports in Brazil, as well as international flights, or to Latin America, North America and Europe, particularly in core Latin Americans markets.
This infrastructure can function as a platform for networking with South America, and from a local and international perspective, a strategic airport in terms of trade, tourism and economics, to Brazil, particularly the North and Northeast.

German to English: Patio installation
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering

Source text - German
XXX ist die Terrassendiele für Ihre höchsten Ansprüche. Dauerhaft schön schont die umweltbewusste Produktion von XXX durch den Holzverbundwerkstoff XXX unsere Tropenwälder und überzeugt durch eine natürliche Holzer. Dazu begeistert XXX durch eine einzigartig einfache Montage, die sich ihrer individuellen Situation anpasst. Beinah jeder Untergrund ermöglicht die Montage der Unterkonstruktion. Gleich, ob die Terrasse völlig neu entstehen soll oder eine vorhandene abgedichtete Fläche als Basis dient. Das XXX-System bietet für alle Möglichkeiten das nötige Zubehör und ermöglicht es Ihnen in jeder Situation, die Terrasse nach Ihren Wünschen zu errichten.

Translation - English
XXX Terrace Boards meet your high expectations.
xxx’s environmentally friendly manufacturing protects our tropical forests in the long term by using
xxx wood composite, while creating a convincing natural wood finish. XXX’s unique, easy installation can be customized to suit your individual needs. Just about any kind of subsurface is suitable for installation of the terrace’s substructure, whether the terrace is to be built from scratch, or if there is already an existing sealed surface to serve as a base. The XXX system offers the right accessories for any occasion, and allows you to build the terrace of your dreams in any situation.