Martin Derrick BA (Hons) MITI
born 1956 in Bristol, UK, married with 2 children
1980 Award of bachelor's degree with honours in German by Portsmouth Polytechnic after a four-year study period, including one year at Freiburg University in Germany
1980 - 1981 Study of Russian while employed as a linguist by the British intelligence agency, GCHQ
1981 - 1986 Staff translator for Colin Brazier, a small agency near Stuttgart, Germany
1986 - 2000 Self-employed translator in Mönchengladbach, Germany
since 2000 Self-employed translator in Thornford, UK
since 2003 Fully qualified member of the ITI (British Institute of Translation and Interpreting)
• More than 30 years of experience, including 19 years' residence in Germany
• Unique qualification in view of many years' experience as a regular translator for leading German and international companies and law firms
• Regular clients include companies in numerous sectors, software houses and advertising agencies
• Tools include: Microsoft Office Suite, SDL Trados Studio, Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard
• Regular commissions primarily in the fields of advertising; architecture and building; business; finance; engineering; information technology; law; manufacturing processes; media; paper and packaging; software; snow and avalanches; telecommunications; woodworking; and transport
Derrick & Brady, Martin Derrick, 5 Church Road, Thornford, Sherborne, DT9 6QE, England
Tel. + 44 1935 873800, Fax + 44 1935 873801, E-mail